Wireless networking has a place in just about any industry imaginable. DipCom can help you evaluate the type of solution suitable for your equipment. The capabilities are continuously expanding and hot spots are popping up every day. We will help you to get up to speed with wireless networking products and support through our industry-leading partners.
We offer a wide choice of CDD, Laser and long range barcode scanners as well as wireless bluetooth readers.
As Wasp Barcode experts our catalogue also includes barcode printers, barcode label design software as well as complete inventory control and asset management solutions.
We can also help you regarding any specific needs you may have.
Mobility technologies help retail customers better manage business operations and improve productivity. Wireless and mobility solutions - including wireless networks, radio frequency identification (RFID) and intelligent hand-held devices - simplify information capture and inventory management from loading dock to cash register and provide better accounting of stock levels to reduce shrinkage and minimise loss.
We have a complete range range of barcode scanners to meet every need: CCD, Laser, and Bluetooth wireless. As Wasp Barcode specialists we also offer a wide choice of barcode printers, barcode software, Point of Sales POS and complete stock and asset management solutions
Click here for more information -Motorola OEM
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